Hire Boat Code Course

Hire Boat Code Course

Designed to support the industry's implementation of the Hire Boat Code, the code of best working practices for the design, construction and operation of Hire Boats.

  • Get an overview on the content of the code and how to apply it on your hire boat business
  • Understanding your responsibilities as a hire boat operator
  • Understanding Safety Management Systems and their management
  • Understanding the new stability requirements and how to meet them

This course is highly recommended for:

  • All Hire Boat Operators
  • All those involved in Inland Hire Boat operations


  • What is the Hire Boat Code, co-owned by British Marine and The Association of Inland Navigation Authorities.
  • How to apply it to my Hire Boat business
  • How it will affect my license
  • How it affects my customers
  • How to construct a successful safety management system
  • Training on stability checks and testing


Course developed and delivered by British Marine Technical Team:

Ross Wombwell and Ed Tuite

  • Hire Boat Code ONLINE course - New dates coming soon. 

Please contact Kitty on: kjudd(at)britishmarine.co.uk if you have any questions or have an interest in this course.

Hire Boat Code Course- member only | £226.80 + VAT (£272.16)