Decarbonisation Hub

Decarbonisation Hub

As the representative body for the UK’s marine sector, we are committed to helping British Marine members successfully navigate the transition to Net Zero by 2050. 

We hope that this Hub will help all businesses in our sector:

  • Understand the challenges
  • Analyse their businesses
  • Implement a sustainable decarbonisation strategy

Within this Hub you will find:

  • Clear explanations as to what ‘decarbonisation’ is; what is meant by the terms ‘Net Zero’ and ‘carbon neutral’; the associated laws and how they may impact your business
  • Guidance on how to approach the challenge of decarbonisation, where to start, how to calculate your outputs, how to reduce your footprint using sector specific guidance.
  • Detail on British Marine’s extensive and on-going engagement with key national and international stakeholders – Find out about the approach we are taking on your behalf, who we are talking to and what we are saying.

The future of the marine environment is in all our hands. We must take the lead today by using our resource, knowledge and ability to help create a bright and sustainable future for boating and boaters – it is in all our best interests.

Lesley Robinson CEO at British Marine

What is Decarbonisation?

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Decarbonisation Representing You

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Pathways to Propulsion - Decarbonisation for the Recreational Marine Industry

This new research outlines those propulsion technologies that will propel the industry toward decarbonisation.

Engineers and environmental experts across the industry, led by the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) with more than 100 members around the world, investigated propulsion technologies across nine common recreational watercraft under 24m in length to compare the impact of lifetime GHG emissions, financial cost, usability, range, performance and infrastructure implications, including:

  • Battery electric (electric-powered boats and watercraft)
  • Hybrid electric (internal combustion engines using liquid fuel and electric)
  • Hydrogen (internal combustion engines or fuel cell)
  • Internal combustion engines with sustainable liquid marine fuels (a sustainably produced liquid substitute for conventional fossil fuel)
  • Internal combustion engines with petrol or diesel

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04/03/25 - The UK Climate Change Committee release details of Carbon Budget 7 which includes the strategy for Marine and Maritime Net 0 Decarbonisation. 

25/01/25 - Clean Maritime Demonstrator Competition Round 6 details announced 

16/12/24 - New Studies added :

19/11/24 - Site review and updates, UK CBAMClean Maritime Demonstration Competition

27/09/24 - New university project and study links added on additive manufacturing, vessel efficiency and technology transfer from the automotive sector

07/08/24 - New page on other decarbonisation policies being examined by the government - Other Carbon Leakage Policies being Considered

01/08/24 - New page on Legal/Environmental Registers - Environmental/Legal Register

01/08/24 - New guidance added on Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) - Carbon Reporting 

29/07/24 - Uploaded new research and policy documents on FRP Sustainability - Lightweighting Composites

17/07/24 - New Sustainability courses uploaded to business sizes pages, "what training is available" 

06/07/24 - Updated information on the LI Battery page regarding Recycling and Second life battery use. 

06/07/24 - Updated information on Alternative Propulsion, inclusion of ammonia R&D projects. 

06/07/24 - Updated information on Alternative Fuels, presentations on HVO and GTL added. 

Decarbonisation Sitemap 

This is a fast-evolving agenda and British Marine is here to help. 
So, if you have any questions or want to get more involved in our Decarbonisation Programme
please contact us at .