British Marine and British Marine Scotland have been working to represent members’ interests in opposing Peel Ports’ plan to introduce an annual Conservancy Fee for leisure craft in the Clydeport area. Responses from a recent British Marine Scotland member survey suggests there is overwhelming opposition to the proposal.
In view of concerns, Stuart McMillan MSP for Greenock and Inverclyde, who also chairs the Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Group on Recreational Boating and Marine Tourism, has launched a public petition calling on Peel Ports’ Clydeport to abandon their proposals.
Stuart commented: “I’m urging anyone with an interest in leisure sailing to consider supporting my petition. Whilst I am not a boater, I have engaged with the sector over many years since setting up the CPG in 2009 and in that time, many issues have arisen, but it’s safe to say nothing has generated as much interest – and frustration – as this proposal from Peel Ports.
“I hope my petition attracts significant amounts of support so we can demonstrate to Peel Ports just how much the sector opposes their conservancy fee plans. This isn’t just about boaters in Scotland, this is about people who sail from other parts of the UK or even Europe to enjoy the Clyde. There is huge concern that this fee will put them off doing so.”
British Marine Scotland Chair, Sarah Kennedy, said: “If introduced, the Conservancy Fee could seriously damage Scotland’s marine tourism industry and the economies of coastal communities that rely on our sector. It is why we are calling on all members to join us in showing opposition to the proposal by signing Stuart’s petition.”
Please follow this link to sign the petition today Petition · Peel Ports Clydeport should abandon conservancy fee plans - United Kingdom ·