Trout’s Boatyard Joins the Good Business Charter
30 May 2024

A family-owned boatyard in Topsham has just won accreditation under a 10-point charter of high standards for doing business which is followed by some of the largest companies in Britain. Trout’s Boatyard joined companies such as Aviva, TSB, and Schroders Personal Wealth, in adopting the Good Business Charter (GBC), which sets the highest standards for how it deals with customers, employees, the environment and its taxes.

Mark Trout, Managing Director of Trout’s Boatyard said: "We are delighted to have joined the GBC and demonstrate our commitment to the 10 components of the Charter. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to work with others to promote responsible business behaviour and show how much we value our customers, colleagues, suppliers, and the beautiful and internationally recognised environment that we work in.”

We at Trout’s Boatyard, ‘a leading provider in boatbuilding and marine engineering in the leisure marine industry’, are thrilled to have achieved this accreditation, it is not just an honour; it represents a significant milestone in our journey towards creating a more inclusive, fair, and sustainable future.

The Good Business Charter exists for all UK companies, charities and public sector organisations across all industries and sectors and works through a simple online process. At a time when people care more about who they work for and who they buy from, the GBC offers a straightforward accreditation, recognising organisations that prioritise and value their employees, customers, suppliers, and the environment, whilst also paying their taxes according to the spirit of the law.

It has never been more important for businesses to build trust and show that they care about more than just profit. Therefore, the GBC and its members seek to inspire many other businesses to follow suit. 

Chairman of the GBC Board, Simon Fox, said: “The Good Business Charter brings together 10 standards, most of which already exist, but in separate places. We have brought them together to give a coherent overall position for businesses to aspire to. We believe that the GBC has enormous potential to change business practice for good.”

Our customers will enjoy even higher standards of quality, transparency, and fairness in all our products and services. This accreditation assures them that they are choosing a partner who values integrity and ethical practices as much as they do.

This achievement underscores our dedication to providing a supportive, equitable, and respectful workplace for our employees. Our team will continue to thrive in an environment that fosters growth, inclusivity, and well-being. By aligning our operations with the Good Business Charter's principles, we are better equipped to make a positive impact on our community. From environmental sustainability efforts to supporting local initiatives, our accreditation allows us to contribute more effectively to the common good.

To Trout’s Boatyard, being accredited by the Good Business Charter is a profound achievement that reflects our values and dedication to doing business the right way. It is a clear signal to our stakeholders that we are committed to a higher standard of conduct, encompassing everything from employee well-being and environmental care to customer service and community engagement. This accreditation not only sets us apart in the marine industry but also strengthens our resolve to be a force for good in the world.

We view this accreditation as both an accomplishment and a responsibility—a commitment to continue pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a good business. Our journey does not stop here; we are inspired to keep innovating, improving, and leading by example, ensuring that our actions today contribute to a better tomorrow for everyone.