Tidal Thames Masterplan Consultation - Greenwich to Gravesham
25 June 2024

The port of London authority (PLA) is inviting residents and stakeholders to help shape the future of the River Thames.

The consultations running until august 19th 2024, are a key step in realising the ambitious goals set out in the PLA’s Thames Vision. The Royal Borough of Greenwich is one of the fastest growing boroughs in London, in part due to ongoing regeneration and housing growth across riverside areas including at the Greenwich Peninsula, Charlton Riverside and Thamesmead. Likewise, Gravesham Borough Council has an ambitious regeneration plan for future development, with 11 km (about 6.84 mi) of the Thames riverfront and excellent transport links to/from London and Kent. The Thames Vision 2050 envisions a river that thrives economically, ecologically, and socially. Alongside increased trade and innovative logistics solutions, the vision prioritises environmental protection, the transition to Net Zero emissions, and enhanced access to the river for recreational activities.

These consultations provide a platform for residents and stakeholders to contribute their insights and help shape the Thames' future. By collaborating with local communities, the PLA aims to create a thriving river that benefits everyone.

Have your say! Share your thoughts and ideas through the masterplan website or by emailing thamesmasterplan(at)pla.co.uk