New IMO report from the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR) now available
11 July 2024

The 11th session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR) was held 4-13 June 2024. A full report is now available to download from the British Marine website. The key topics of interest for the yachting sector from this meeting were the following:

  • Pilot transfer arrangements 

  • Development of performance standards for a digital navigational data system (NAVDAT)  

  • Electronic nautical publications

  • Introduction of VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) - SOLAS amendments in development

  • Revised Performance standards for a universal automatic identification system (AIS) agreed 

The full report can be downloaded by British Marine members from the Resource Hub on the British Marine website. Click here to access the report. Once in the hub, click on document search and the reports will be listed here. File name - NCSR-11-Report.

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