We are all looking to connect with the wider marine industry and find potential new business partners or commercial opportunities.
On behalf of our members, British Marine organises and delivers countless networking events each year, both in the UK and overseas, with the aim of connecting you with the right people. Our networking events provide the perfect platform to meet like-minded professionals, to discuss shared challenges, explore new opportunities and to become an industry thought leader.
Our annual events calendar includes both online and face-to-face opportunities. To find out more, please contact the British Marine team at info@britishmarine.co.uk or call 01784 473377.
Working closely with our regional and group Associations we tailor our networking events for maximum value. This includes theming the sessions around shared challenges, emerging issues, trends and opportunities.
British Marine member networking events and opportunities include:
For a full schedule of events and networking opportunities please visit our events calendar or contact the British Marine team at info@britishmarine.co.uk or call 01784 473377.
As a member we will email you the details of any upcoming events and how to book. Prices may vary according to the event, from complementary or heavily discounted tickets.
If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved, then please do not hesitate to contact the British Marine team at info@britishmarine.co.uk or on 01784 473377.
To stay in touch and be kept in the loop with all our membership benefits, please sign up for our e-newsletter MARINETALK at the bottom of this page, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.
Join British Marine today
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Arrange to meet a member of the British Marine team virtually or face-to-face.
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for us to call you back.