British Marine Commercial Marine Association

Commercial Marine Association

Commercial Marine is a British Marine group association that works on behalf of its members to promote their interests within the small commercial marine sector.

By British Marine's definition, the small commercial marine sector comprises:

  • The manufacture of workboats under 24m for a variety of inland, inshore and offshore commercial and other professional purposes (as opposed to recreational use)
  • Their lease and operation by workboat fleet operators; and
  • The equipment manufacture, supply chain and service provision businesses that support this market

The small commercial marine sector plays a key role in enabling offshore sustainable energy, delivering coastline security, supporting commerce and developing viable autonomous vessels among other innovative activities. Many British Marine members play pivotal roles in this sector and Commercial Marine is there to support their endeavours.

Kim Hollamby Chair

Strategic Objectives

Commercial Marine works with members who are involved in the design, build, supply chain and service provision of commercial workboats up to approximately 24 metres load line length. The association aims to offer members a wide range of support through its core strategic objectives, including:

  • Providing technical assistance to members on key domestic and international industry standards and legislation
  • Delivering business support at key industry exhibitions in the UK and globally
  • Promoting the interests of Commercial Marine members to UK and international markets and provide opportunities to access these


Kim Hollamby

British Marine Membership

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