Amy Cox

Amy Cox

British Marine’s Senior Membership Executive & Association Executive

Like the story of so many others in the marine industry, Amy Cox started her life by the sea and joined the Sea Cadets but had no idea that boating would relate strongly to her future career. More significant influences at the time were the capable and intelligent women she grew up with when educated at a girls’ grammar school in Bournemouth – those positive experiences remain inspirational today.

Changes in family circumstances drove the need for early financial independence and Amy plunged into the world of work. A series of roles followed – from DIY retailing, recruitment data entry and property maintenance, management, and construction, to aerospace. She achieved NVQs in customer service and learned how to look after people on the frontline which suited her inherent talent: “I’m not a good behind the scenes person,” Amy reflects. “I’m fairly theatrical and like to have fun which means people often warm to me. It’s my priority to help people day to day, whatever the task. My job satisfaction comes from putting out fires and resolving problems – I’m a natural problem solver.”

Those skills came to the fore as an account manager in a fast-paced aviation parts supply company. “We supplied everything you see on the inside of a plane from whole cabins to the smallest components. Any minor holdup on just one part meant you would end up with what is known an AOG – Aircraft On Ground. An airliner that cannot fly loses money every hour. There are major regulations and quality control processes to manage. Regardless of remit I needed to get stuck in, take control and ensure things were done. It was intense, enjoyable – and the wrong industry to be in when COVID hit.”

Redundancy followed a long period of furlough when aviation remained mothballed. “I wallowed about for two days feeling down, then dusted myself off and approached every agency I’d ever heard of because I refused to be without a job. A lovely recruiter called Di Woodward contacted me and said, ‘I’ve got a position in a nice company that involves some travel and lots of chat.’ That sounded like the job for me. I had an entirely online interview. When asked if I had marine experience, I shared that my life ambition aged five was to be a mermaid. However I must have made a good impression because I started on the day after my redundancy termination.

“Looking back I initially experienced trepidation at the idea that I was going to be dealing with chairs, committees and business owners from an industry that was unknown to me. My induction and early meetings were necessarily online. Then, less than half-a-year after starting I got a cancer diagnosis that kept me out of action for 11 months.

“My return to work in November 2021 was a little early but I was bored. I had gained a new perspective, realising I was just dealing with people. I used to have a telephone voice but started being me. I got on with work and calmed down about things that would have previously made me anxious.”

Amy just ‘being her’ has won her many friends in the industry since. Her core role as an association executive is an extremely busy one, supporting several of the sector specific and regional organisations that form the fabric of British Marine.

In March of last year Amy took on additional duties when her manager went on maternity leave. As Senior Membership Executive & Association Executive she finds it easiest to explain her work as doing whatever is required to support members. That can be anything from looking after the formal business arrangements of associations and organising events like the British Marine Trades Association Awards Dinner and Superyacht UK Technical Seminar, to answering her share of the many questions that the membership team deals with each week.

“When working with committees you must be tuned into the interests of their respective associations, which is different in each case. I share as much information as possible between the associations that I manage, offering suggestions on how other organisations have acted on ideas for improvement and dealt with issues.

“Being at the centre of association communications also helps with building knowledge to answer individual membership questions so that I can assist directly or signpost to those who have the right skills and information. I never want to leave members with a dead end.

“Last year I also worked on the membership renewal programme and would like to thank members for paying and staying in membership. We’re working hard to streamline processes for projects like that, to make our jobs as efficient as possible.”

Amy knows what it takes to create a good performance. Her interest in musical theatre saw her perform on stage and with choirs and rock and acoustic bands. “It was fine when I was in my 20s, but not anymore – I need to be tucked in by 10 O’clock. These days I sing in my car and around the house – my fiancée likes it when I sing – and likes it when I stop!

“I also sing while I sew or crochet. It’s nice to create something with my hands, whether for me or offered as a gift.”

Become a member

To discuss membership, please contact Amy at

Article first published, BM Magazine, Spring 2023