The London and Thames Valley Association was established to represent the business interests of British Marine Members interests particular to their location or trading in the Thames Valley
The Association engages directly with the Environment Agency, the Port of London Authority and the other navigation authorities for the waterways in the association area. The association represents a wide range of business interests including, marinas, hire boat and passenger boat operators, boat brokerages and dealers, and a wide range of other marine businesses. The focus of the Associations work is to act as a critical friend to the navigation authorities to maintain standards of management of the waterways and to promote use of the waterways to boost members businesses.
The London and Thames Valley Association is one of 9 regional associations within British Marine, the trade association for the UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry and all its members are British Marine members, who upon joining are enrolled in an association of their choosing that best represents their geographical business interests.
As a member of British Marine and the London and Thames Valley association you are supporting the engagement with the navigation authorities and you are able to participate directly in the collective activities to promote waterborne Tourism and use of the waterways in the Thames Valley and unlock a whole host of exclusive membership benefits, which have been developed to help support and grow your business.
Find out more. Membership of the association also provides an number of networking opportunities at our events and the opportunity to be a committee meeting guest and get involved with supporting representation.
Adam Buck |
Committee Member |
Chris Manners |
Co-opted Committee Member |
Chris Murdoch |
Committee Member |
Dave Pitt |
Committee Member |
Dominic Smulders |
Committee Member |
Gordon Wicks |
Committee Member |
Ian Lindsay |
Vice-Chair |
Jonathan Hobbs |
Committee Member |
Lisa Harris |
Committee Member |
Matthew Corless |
Committee Member |
Mike Cook |
Chairman |
Nicola Sanders |
Secretary |
Paul Atkins |
Co-opted Committee Member |
Paul Clark |
Committee Member |
Philip James |
Committee Member |
Richard Bates |
Committee Member |
Simon Taylorson |
Co-opted Committee Member |
British Marine London & Thames Valley FaceBook Group
Visit England
River Thames Guide Booklet: Buy your copy here
River Thames and connecting waterways: cruising guide - GOV.UK (